
We take great pleasure and immense pride in presenting this website on Porbandar to the
Gujrati community residing abroad, in particular, and the world in general. The aim of this website is to provide information to tourists intending to visit Porbandar. With tourism industry playing and important role and Porbandar fast developing into a tourist centre, a comprehensive guide on the city of Porbandar has long been felt. We, at PORBANDAR ONLINE are aiming to fulfill this requirement.
We have tried all our best to provide maximum information at the same time we have taken full precaution to ensure that information provided is also true. We are thankful to all our well-wishers who have been encouraging us from time to time. Though it is not possible for us to thank all individuals who have supported us in fulfilling our dream of launching a website on Porbandar, we would like to specially thank
Miss Purvi Mehta, Journalist and Script Writer who has put in lot of effort to gather information and convert data into text format for this website and Shri Jitubhai Sodha of M/s Sodha Art Corner and Shri Keshubhai of M/s Keshav Colour Lab for providing us with best quality photographs.